Laser Hair Removal
Do you have unwanted hair that creates a time-consuming routine just to get out of the house in the morning? Are you tired of shaving your legs, tweezing your brows or waxing your face? If you’re tired of traditional methods of hair removal, it’s time to switch to laser hair removal. LightSheerⓇ laser hair removal is an effective, permanent hair removal solution without the mess or discomfort caused by other hair removal methods. Say goodbye to unwanted hair forever.
If you are interested in laser hair removal and would like to learn more or schedule a consultation, contact our office today!

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
The laser hair removal device targets a few hairs at a time and extracts them from the root, which is why it is a good idea to avoid waxing, tweezing and electrolysis six weeks before treatment. It’s smart to avoid sun exposure before and after treatment as well, as this can cause damage to your skin.
More than one treatment may be necessary for effective permanent hair loss. Directly after treatment, your skin may have a slight sunburn feeling, which can be lessened with cool compresses and moisturizers. If your face was treated, you can usually go back to wearing makeup the day after treatment.
Which Areas Can Be Treated?
Exquisite MD SPA uses a device known as LightSheerⓇ laser removal, which features two cutting-edge removal technologies. The ChillTip™ Sapphire has integrated cooling for smaller and more sensitive treatment areas such as the face, while the High-Speed Vacuum Assisted technology is specially designed for treating larger areas. Between the two of them, the LightSheerⓇ device is capable of treating areas including but not limited to the:
- Face
- Legs
- Arms
- Underarms
- Bikini lines
- Back
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Does Laser Hair Removal Have Side Effects?
Depending on your skin type, laser hair removal may cause slight blistering for a few days after treatment. Darker skin is more susceptible to this, which is why it is important to wear sunscreen and moisturize to avoid damage.
If you are tired of constantly having to pluck or shave unwanted hair, or if you simply want a sleeker appearance, please contact us today to schedule an appointment to see if laser hair removal is right for you! If you have concerns about where hair can be removed — or any other questions regarding this treatment — contact our office today to schedule a consultation!
Lumenis Lightsheer
What Is It?
LightSheer® Laser Hair Removal Traditional methods for hair removal included plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis, and chemical depilatories. Some are painful, some are messy, all of them are time consuming and costly.
LightSheer® is a permanent hair reduction solution based on clinically proven diode laser technology. LightSheer is comfortable and effective. It features two laser hair removal technologies:
- High-Speed Vacuum Assisted technology for large treatment areas, requiring no prep and no gel
- ChillTip™ Sapphire integrated cooling for smaller more delicate treatment areas
Is it right for me? LightSheer laser hair removal treatments are not suitable for everyone and carry some risks. LightSheer is not suitable when you have active infections or inflammations, viral/fungal/ bacterial disease, active cold sores, open lacerations or abrasions in the treatment area.
Risks may include: change in skin pigmentation, changes to skin texture, or burns.
Be sure to consult with your treatment provider before choosing this treatment.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?
The appearance of the treated area following treatment varies from patient to patient, depending on the characteristics of the patient and treatment given.
During the treatment, some hairs will shed from the follicle immediately, while the remaining will shed in the following weeks. Transient redness and swelling around the hair follicle may appear immediately after the treatment, but are in fact, positive results indicating the follicle’s response to the treatment.
Following the treatment, you will be provided with guidelines, namely in terms of sun exposure.
How Does It Work?
LightSheer Technology LightSheer® uses a state-of-the-art diode laser handpiece with either 805 nm or 1060nm wavelength which allows a tailored treatment for all skin types. A laser pulse targets and damages the hair follicle while the surrounding tissue remains unharmed. The LightSheer® allows your treatment provider to customize the treatment for your skin type, hair type and lifestyle by utilizing 2 different handpieces and 2 different wavelengths.
Price List
- LightSheer Hair Removal Large Area per session (Chest, Abdomen, Upper Back, Lower Back, Full Upper Arm, Full Forearm, Thigh, and Calf) $299.00
- LightSheer Hair Removal Medium Area per session (Bikini, Brazilian, Underarm, One side Lower Arm or One side Upper Arm) $199.00
- LightSheer Hair Removal Small Area per sessions (Lip, Chin, Neck or ears) $99.00
- Please call for an area not listed or if you need clarification on an area that is listed.