Is a double chin keeping you from feeling comfortable with your profile? Despite committing to a healthy diet and regular exercise, many people across the country find it difficult to get rid of a double chin. Exquisite MD SPA now offers KybellaⓇ, a well-known advanced injectable treatment that works to address stubborn fat that causes a double chin. KybellaⓇ can help sculpt your profile to help you achieve a slimmer aesthetic with no downtime.
At Exquisite MD SPA located in San Diego, our team of experts put your safety, comfort, and satisfaction with your experience with us above all. Schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience and find out if KybellaⓇ may be your key to a slender, youthful profile!

What Is KybellaⓇ?
KybellaⓇ is a non-surgical treatment that is approved by the FDA to remedy the appearance of a double chin. Administered through a fine needle, KybellaⓇ works to break down fat cells beneath the chin. Synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that breaks down body fat, is the key behind Kybella’s process.
What Can I Expect From Treatment With KybellaⓇ?
Before your KybellaⓇ treatment, a member of our team will examine the area under your chin. Based on your assessment, a treatment plan will be created that will best accommodate your aesthetic vision. KybellaⓇ treatment is performed through several small injections underneath the chin. A KybellaⓇ session takes approximately between 15-20 minutes. Those who are sculpted through KybellaⓇ generally see significant results following 2-4 treatments.
Who May Be A Candidate For KybellaⓇ?
KybellaⓇ is a treatment option for patients with any skin type over the age of 18. Additionally, if you are looking for a non-surgical body sculpting treatment to remedy a double chin with no downtime, you may consider KybellaⓇ.
Why Choose KybellaⓇ?
KybellaⓇ can safely and effectively correct a double chin without the need for anesthesia or surgery. Effects from KybellaⓇ have been observed to be long-lasting for many people, getting rid of fat cells beneath the chin for the long term.
With KybellaⓇ, our team can help you safely and effectively achieve your desired facial profile with your comfort in mind. If you’re considering KybellaⓇ to combat a double chin, be sure to schedule your consultation with us in San Diego to take the first step on an exquisite aesthetic journey!

KybellaⓇ Pricing
$500.00 per vile (2-viles suggested)
Price List
- Kybella- $599